Reading and Writing - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي

Write A, B, or C ِA dish is sometimes.....
(131) 4.1 التقييم 12 التعليقات المشاركة

Goal 53 Fun on the Weekend: Reading and Writing I can read, ask, and answer questions with How many and How much and make sentences with some and any. Name Class 1 Listen and fill in the missing words. 回楼回 CD8 06 much many 1. How 2. How 3. How 4. How 5. How know. flour do we need to make a cake? 3 cups. eggs do we need? I think we need 4 eggs. tomatoes are there in the fridge? 6 tomatoes. milk do you drink in the morning? About 2 cups. apples do we need for the apple pie? I don't some any 6. We have 7. We have bananas. sugar, but we don't have apples, but we don't have milk. 8. There is 9. There isn't 10. There are 2 Write A, B, or C. orange juice in the kitchen. oil in the bottle. chocolates in the box. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 191 A: How much ... B: How many... C: How much tomatoes do we need? milk do we need? ☐ cheese do we need? 191 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Reading and Writing

Listen and fill in the missing words How ........ flour do we need to make a cake?

شرح Listen and fill in the missing words  How ........ flour do we need to make a cake? حل Listen and fill in the missing words  How ........ flour do we need to make a cake?

Write A, B, or C How much

شرح Write A, B, or C How much حل Write A, B, or C How much

Goal 54 Fun on the Weekend: Reading and Writing I can read an English menu and order at a restaurant. Name Class Listen and practice. Fill in the missing words. What you like? CD8 07 I'd like a and please. Sure. Just a 2 Use the example in Exercise 1 and write your own dialogues. 1. What you like? and Sure. 2. you like? I'd like and Just a 3 Write A, B, or C. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educo192 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 192 A: A dish is sometimes... B: The moon is sometimes... ☐ round. ☐ oval. C: A spoon is usually ... ப square. 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Reading and Writing

Listen and practice Fill in the missing words. What .......... you like?

شرح Listen and practice Fill in the missing words. What .......... you like? حل Listen and practice Fill in the missing words. What .......... you like?

Use the example in Exercise 1 and write your own dialogues . What .......... you like?

شرح Use the example in Exercise 1 and write your own dialogues . What .......... you like? حل Use the example in Exercise 1 and write your own dialogues . What .......... you like?

Write A, B, or C ِA dish is sometimes.....

شرح Write A, B, or C ِA dish is sometimes..... حل Write A, B, or C ِA dish is sometimes.....
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