Finding Out Tim - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي

1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend?
(131) 4.1 التقييم 15 التعليقات المشاركة

Unit 7 Fun on the Weekend Goal 49 Fun on the Weekend: Finding Out Time I can ask a partner about his or her weekend and get the answers. Name Class CD8 02 1 Fill in the missing words. Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend? OXO That's That's That's DBD boring, fantastic, great 2 Read and practice. 1. clean 3. watch cleaned watched 5. play - played 7. cook cooked 3 Write A, B, or C. I my room. on the phone. I computer games. cleaned, spoke, played 2. practice practiced - 4. kick - kicked 6. study studied 8. stay stayed A: A DVD about sharks is B: A big breakfast is ... C: A trampoline is ... ... ☐ good for you. ☐ scary. ☐ fun. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3_2023 COMBO.indb 187 187 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Finding Out Tim

1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend?

شرح 1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend? حل 1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend?

Read and practice

شرح Read and practice حل Read and practice

Write A, B, C A DVD about sharks is .......

شرح Write A, B, C A DVD about sharks is ....... حل Write A, B, C A DVD about sharks is .......

Goal 50 Fun on the Weekend: Finding Out Time I can listen to someone's answer about what he or she did over the weekend and make a comment. Name 1 Listen and practice. 1. That's fantastic! CD8 03 Class OO 2. That's great! 3. That's okay. 4. That's boring. 5. That's scary! 2 Read and write your comments. 1. Asma watched a documentary about sharks. 2. Fahad kicked a ball for three hours. 3. Amal studied for two hours. 4. Imad cooked breakfast. 5. Rana practiced English for three hours. 3 Write A, B, or C. A: They B: She a documentary. computer games. ☐ watched ☐ played C: I... my room. ☐ cleaned وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educa188 2023-1445 WC3_2023 COMBO.indb 188 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Finding Out Tim

1.Listen and practice. That is fantastic

شرح 1.Listen and practice. That is fantastic حل 1.Listen and practice. That is fantastic

2.Read and write your comments . Asma watched a documentary about sharks

شرح 2.Read and write your comments . Asma watched a documentary about sharks حل 2.Read and write your comments . Asma watched a documentary about sharks

Write A, B, or C They ...... computrr games

شرح Write A, B, or C  They ...... computrr games حل Write A, B, or C  They ...... computrr games
rana ftee
منذ شهر
‏مين ذا الجحش اللي حط لي لايك
rana ftee
منذ شهر
مره حلو تهبل
Gohy Al
منذ شهرين
ro fa
منذ سنة
‏مره حلو كلمة مره زين

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