Phonics - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي

Listen, number, and write nk, ng, or ck
(753) 4.6 التقييم 112 التعليقات المشاركة

Phonics 1 Listen, point, and say. 1. CD2 22 think 2. 3. ring 2 Listen, number, and write nk, ng, or ck. CD2 23 3 clock وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educa40 2023 1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 40 spri thi " 12 4 " 1 2 dri ba swi wi rock -Advice Time Early to sleep, early to rise, makes you healthy and wise. 13/3/23 12:43 AM


Listen, point, and say

شرح Listen, point, and say حل Listen, point, and say

Listen, number, and write nk, ng, or ck

شرح Listen, number, and write nk, ng, or ck حل Listen, number, and write nk, ng, or ck

Challenge Time! Can you write the words beside the pictures? CD2 24 1. Is this a Yes, it is. 2. Do you like Yes, I do. 3. Is he on the Yes, he is. 4. Can you call me on the Okay. 5. Do you like Yes, I do. 6. Do you see a Yes, I do. ? ? ? ? ? ? وزارة التعليم I Can say, spell, and write words that end in ng; spring, nk; think, ck; clock. write one word starting with each of the following, sh, ch, ph, and wh, and read them. Ministry of EduNow go to page 107 2023-1445 GOAL 39 GOAL 40 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 41 41 Unit 5 13/3/23 12:43 AM


Can you write the words beside the pictures?

شرح Can you write the words beside the pictures? حل Can you write the words beside the pictures?

say, spell, and write words that end in ng; spring, nk; think, ck; clock.

Najaet Lionel
منذ شهرين
Ghonim Almosibi
منذ 3 أشهر
ههههههههه يع
عبدالله المحيسن
منذ 3 أشهر
ما يطلع الوحدة2ليش
متعبة الصبحي
منذ 3 أشهر
‏جميلة جدا وتحفظ الإبل للأبناء

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق