Rhythms and Reading - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي

Listen, chant, and
(753) 4.6 التقييم 98 التعليقات المشاركة

CD2 20 Rhythms and Reading 1 Listen, chant, and do. What Time Do You Do It? At six o'clock, I jump out of bed 6:00 And brush my teeth. At one o'clock, I finish school And ride the bus home. At two o'clock, I eat my lunch 2:00 And meet my friends. At ten o'clock, I jump into bed And dream a lot! Point and read by yourself. 1:00 10:00 回回 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educ38 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 38 13/3/23 12:43 AM

Rhythms and Reading

Listen, chant, and

شرح Listen, chant, and حل Listen, chant, and

Point and read by yourself

شرح Point and read by  yourself

CD2 21 Challenge Time! 3 Action Game Can you mime what you do at these times? At a quarter 1. 11 12 10 past seven, I 2 3 jump out of bed! 2.11 11 12 10 half past twelve B 1 a quarter past seven 3 65 4 7 5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 39 3. 11 12 1 10 4. 11 12 1 10 2 2 8 765 4 5 three o'clock I Can ... a quarter to nine • I chant the What Time Do You Do It? chant. GOAL 37 point to and read the What Time Do You Do It? chant by myself. GOAL 38 39 Unit 5 13/3/23 12:43 AM

Rhythms and Reading

Can you mime what you do at these times?

شرح Can you mime what you do at these times? حل Can you mime what you do at these times?

chant the What Time Do You Do It? chant.

Isrãã Albarnawe
منذ شهرين
افضل شرح في العالم شكرااااااا يا الاخلوات يا عمريييي ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹👑
منذ 3 أشهر
سعد سعيد حسين ️
منذ 3 أشهر
ةاة اأفعل
سعد سعيد حسين ️
منذ 3 أشهر

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