Rhythms and Reading - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit5: Yesterday and Today
Unit6: Jobs
Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
نشاط Unit5: Yesterday and Today
نشاط Unit6: Jobs
نشاط Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
نشاط Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
CD2 20 Rhythms and Reading 1 Listen, chant, and do. What Time Do You Do It? At six o'clock, I jump out of bed 6:00 And brush my teeth. At one o'clock, I finish school And ride the bus home. At two o'clock, I eat my lunch 2:00 And meet my friends. At ten o'clock, I jump into bed And dream a lot! Point and read by yourself. 1:00 10:00 回回 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educ38 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 38 13/3/23 12:43 AM

CD2 21 Challenge Time! 3 Action Game Can you mime what you do at these times? At a quarter 1. 11 12 10 past seven, I 2 3 jump out of bed! 2.11 11 12 10 half past twelve B 1 a quarter past seven 3 65 4 7 5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 39 3. 11 12 1 10 4. 11 12 1 10 2 2 8 765 4 5 three o'clock I Can ... a quarter to nine • I chant the What Time Do You Do It? chant. GOAL 37 point to and read the What Time Do You Do It? chant by myself. GOAL 38 39 Unit 5 13/3/23 12:43 AM

chant the What Time Do You Do It? chant.