Grammarin Action - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit5: Yesterday and Today
Unit6: Jobs
Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
نشاط Unit5: Yesterday and Today
نشاط Unit6: Jobs
نشاط Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
نشاط Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
CD2 17 CD2 18 Grammar in Action 1 Listen and practice saying the words in pairs. Person A Person B 1. get up 2. eat lunch 3. come home 4. do my homework 5. take a bath 6. go to bed 2 Listen, point, and chant. got up ate lunch came home did my homework took a bath went to bed usually get up yesterday got up 2. eat lunch ate lunch 3. come home came home وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educa36 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 36 do my homework did my homework take a bath took a bath go to bed went to bed 13/3/23 12:43 AM

Challenge Time! What Time Is It? Can you listen to the sentences and point to the time CD2 19 on the clocks? 1. 2. 3. 7:00 7:30 9:00 4. 5. 6. 9:30 1 10 2:20 7. 8. 9. 4 15 5:30 5:10 10. 11. 12. 9:25 10:15 11:45 وزارة التعليم I Can ... • Isay two past tense sentences using yesterday. jook at a clock and say what time it is. Ministry of EduNow go to page 106 2023-1445 GOAL 35 GOAL 36 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 37 37 Unit 5 13/3/23 12:43 AM

say two past tense sentences using yesterday.