Rhythms and Reading - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي

Read and say if the sentences are True or False Many people in Saudi Arabia like falconry
(78) 3.7 التقييم 153 التعليقات المشاركة

Rhythms and Reading 1 Listen, point, and say. رابط الدرس الرقمي www.ien.edu.sa exciting more exciting the most exciting CD1 31 boring more boring the most boring dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous difficult more difficult the most difficult CD1 32 2 Listen, point, and chant More and Most. Then write a new chant by yourself. More and Most Horse riding is more exciting than cycling. Is it? Rock climbing is more dangerous than jogging. Really? Roller skating is more exciting than running. Is it? Hang gliding is the most dangerous. What's the most exciting for you? 22 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 22 26/2/24 12:52 PM

Rhythms and Reading

Listen, point, and say exciting

شرح Listen, point, and say exciting حل Listen, point, and say exciting

Listen, point, and chant More and Most. Then write a new chant by yourself

شرح Listen, point, and chant More and Most. Then write a new chant by yourself

CD1 33 Challenge Time! The Traditional Sport of Falconry 3 Listen and read. Falconry is a popular sport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Many people have falcons that are trained to hunt other birds and animals. Falcons are very strong birds. They can fly fast and dive even faster. They see very far, so they can spot animals that are kilometers away. They have very sharp talons that they use to attack and catch their prey. They are amazing to watch! Read and say if the sentences are True or False. 1. Many people in Saudi Arabia like falconry. 2. Falcons slow down when they dive to catch an animal. T F T F 3. Falcons can see very far. T F 4. Falcons have soft talons. T F I Can ... • read and write a new More and Most chant by myself. GOAL 21 read and talk about a traditional sport. GOAL 22 pulcilläjlje Now go to page 38 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 23 23 Unit 3 26/2/24 12:52 PM

Rhythms and Reading

The Traditional Sport of Falconry

شرح The Traditional Sport of Falconry حل The Traditional Sport of Falconry

Read and say if the sentences are True or False Many people in Saudi Arabia like falconry

شرح Read and say if the sentences are True or False Many people in Saudi Arabia like falconry حل Read and say if the sentences are True or False Many people in Saudi Arabia like falconry

read and write a new More and Most chant by myself

منذ 5 أشهر
محبوب بنات البنات يا محبوب البنات ء
لانا لانا
منذ 5 أشهر
هاذا ملك اللغات ههه
Haind Slmin
منذ سنة
اسم اصيل عاهد أحمد بن سلمان عمري عشر
محبوب البنات🖕🖕
منذ سنة
الدرس حلو

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