Listen, point, and say. Then match with u or u_e
(50) 3.7 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

C02:09 CZ LO Phonics Sounds and Letters 1 Listen, point, and say. Then read and number 1 or 2. 1 /e/ head 2/1/ read feather peach meat 1 bread 2 Listen, point, and say. Then match with u or u_e. U says... u, u, tub and U says... u, u, tube cup bus น cube duck u_e uniform huge 3 Listen, say, and match. food CO2 11 book boot وزارة التعليم Mar 24 201 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 24 foot moon cook 20/3/23 4:29 PM


Listen, point, and say Then read and number 1 or 2

شرح Listen, point, and say Then read and number 1 or 2 حل Listen, point, and say Then read and number 1 or 2

Listen, point, and say. Then match with u or u_e

شرح Listen, point, and say. Then match with u or u_e حل Listen, point, and say. Then match with u or u_e

Listen, say, and match

شرح Listen, say, and match حل Listen, say, and match

CD2 12 Read and number. Then listen and check. 1 /z/ arms 2/s/ 3/iz/ trunks noses 1 hippos crocodiles snakes M dresses faces elephants Fun Time! 5 Phonics Race CD2 13 Say and mime words in pairs. Use these letters. o ou ea u u_e oo o_e says rose ... o says hot ... I Can ... ⚫ listen, point, and match pictures, words, and letters. say, read, and write the sounds for ea, peach and ea, head; u, duck; u_e, cube; oo, book; and oo, boot by myself. Now go to page 36 ات التعليم WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 25 GOAL 47 G 25 Unit 3 20/3/23 4:29 PM


Read and number Then listen and check

شرح Read and number Then listen and check حل Read and number Then listen and check

Phonics Race

شرح Phonics Race حل Phonics Race

I can listen , point, and match pictures , words and letters

شرح I can listen , point, and match pictures , words and letters
بوبو تشان
منذ شهر
bحاطين bread ليش في

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق