Phonics - we can 2-1 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Feelings
Unit2: Things We Wear
Unit3: Things We Do
نشاط Unit1: Feelings
نشاط Unit2: Things We Wear
نشاط Unit3: Thigs We Do
Phonics 1 Listen, point, and say. CD1 11 A says ... a, a, and A says... a, a, apple apron a a_e cap tap cape tape رابط الدرس 2 Listen and number 1 for a and 2 for a_e. Then say. CD1 12 ☐ CD1 13 1 3 Listen, say, and match. I says ... i, i, ink and I says ... i, i, iron ink iron pin re 9 10 = 8 7 12 1 S 5 23 4 10 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC_02_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 10 Steve Tim TOM pine time 26/2/24 12:23 PM

CD1 14 NII Fun Time! 4 Phonics Game Mime and say in pairs. I says . . . . I Can ... I, i, pine. • listen and point to the right pictures and words. GOAL 07 • say, read, and write the sounds for a, apple; a, cape; i, pin; i, pine by myself. GOAL 08 Advice Time A kind word is a form of charity. - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) pilälläjljgNow go to pages 28, 29 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC_02_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 11 11 Unit 1 26/2/24 12:23 PM