Talk Time - we can 2-1 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Feelings
Unit2: Things We Wear
Unit3: Things We Do
نشاط Unit1: Feelings
نشاط Unit2: Things We Wear
نشاط Unit3: Thigs We Do
رابط الدرس Unit 1 Feelings Talk Time 1 Listen and point. Hello! Welcome to our Hi. It's nice class to meet you. Rclass to meast Hi. How are you? CD1 03 I'm fine. I'm great, thanks. And you? It's nice to meet you, too. Remember the Big Four 2 Practice the talks in pairs. 3 Act out the talks in pairs. Hello! Hi. It's nice to meet you. 1. Use lots of facial expressions, like big smiles. 2. Use your body to make gestures. 3. Talk with a strong voice. 4. Keep eye contact when you speak to someone. 4 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC_02_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 4 26/2/24 12:22 PM

☆* Fun Time! 4 Greeting Line Talk to the teacher and leader. CD1 04 Hello! I'm first! Hi! How are you? I'm great! I'm second! I'm third! = I'm fourth! وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 I'm finished! I Can ... I'm fifth! GOAL 01 ● greet my teacher and ask “How are you?" . • say "I'm first, second, third ..." WC_02_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 5 GOAL 02 5 Unit 1 26/2/24 12:22 PM