EXPANSION Units - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط
Term 1
Life Stories
When are you Travelling
What Do I Need to Buy
Term 2
Since When
Do You Know Where it is
It's Good Deal, Isn't It
Drive Slowly
EXPANSION Unuits 5-8
Term 3
all kinds of people
Who Used My Toothpaste
Making choices
Culture Shock
EXPANSION Units 9-12
Term 1
نشاط 1 Lifestyles
نشاط 2 Life Stories
نشاط 3 When are you Travelling
نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy
نشاط EXPANSION Unuits 1-4
Term 2
نشاط 5 Since When
نشاط 6 Do You Know Where it is
نشاط 7 It's Good Deal, Isn't It
نشاط 8 Drive Slowly!
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
Term 3
نشاط 9 all kinds of people
نشاط 10 Who Used My Toothpaste
نشاط 11 Making choices
نشاط 12 Culture Shock
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9-12
وزارة التعليم Ministry 4ucation 2024-1446 + EXPANSION Units 1-4 1 Language Review A. Complete the following information about yourself. Write complete sentences. Then compare with a partner. Childhood Memories 1. Place and date of birth 2. Earliest memories 3. Favorite toy 4. Favorite teacher in elementary school. 5. Best friend in elementary school 6. Favorite pastime as a child 7. Things you used to do 8. Things you didn't use to do B. Write questions for the following answers. Use the underlined words in each question. 1. I don't know what I'm doing next Thursday. 2. No, I'm going to do my homework tonight. 3. He'll probably go to college after high school. 4. Their friends are arriving from Syria tomorrow. 5. She's going to meet her sister at the mall. C. Complete the sentences with the correct verb or verb form. Siberian Tigers What (1) probably become of the Siberian tiger, an now only authorities in the forests of endangered species, in the future? There (2) about 400 to 500 Siberian tigers in the wild. (3) be able to protect them? Siberian tigers (4) eastern Asia, northern China, and Manchuria, but the majority survive in the Ussuiland region of Russia. Some tigers (5) in zoos. An adult male normally (6) born and raised 440 to 660 pounds (200 to 300 kilograms) and measures about 13 feet (4 meters) from head to tail. They (7) very large animals and consume a lot of food every day because of the cold climate. At one meal, a Siberian tiger can (8) up to 95 pounds (45 kilograms) of meat. Like all big cats, some of their they hunt for their food. They sometimes (9) catch in trees, so other predators can't see it or find it. If they can't eat it all in one meal, they take a nap and finish it off later. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 42 30/4/24 12:31 AM

+ D. Complete the sentences with expressions of quantity. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. We only have oil. 2. Tony doesn't eat olive oil left. Don't forget to buy seafood at all. He's allergic to it. french fries. fruit because they don't like it. 3. I'm trying to lose weight. Please give me only 4. Many children don't eat milk do you drink in a day? 5. 6. eggs do you eat in a week? 7. I never put onions in the salad. They have too strong of a taste. 8. Have hot tea. It'll make you feel better. E. Read the text. Then use the prompts to ask and answer questions with a partner. Pandas The lovable, cuddly-looking panda is one of the world's most popular animals. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most vulnerable species. Pandas live only in the dense bamboo areas of the misty, rainy forests of southwestern China. Today only about 1,900 pandas remain in the wild. The Chinese government and various conservation organizations are working to protect pandas in their natural habitat. They want to maintain a “bamboo corridor” through which pandas can move freely. Bamboo shoots and leaves account for 99 percent of a panda's diet. An adult giant panda eats up to 95 pounds (45 kilograms) of bamboo per day over a period of about 16 hours. So it is important to have a protected place with a lot of bamboo available. 1. Where pandas/live? 2. How many / pandas / in the wild? 3. How organizations / work to protect pandas? 4. How much / eat? 5. How long/eat/ a day? Discussion 1. Are there any endangered or vulnerable species in your country? 2. What are the authorities doing about conservation of wildlife in your country? 3. What can we do to preserve wildlife for future generations? 2 Writing Imagine you belong to an organization that helps to protect endangered or vulnerable animals. Unfortunately, you only have funds to help one species. Decide which animal you would like to help protect and write a report about it. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 43 43 30/4/24 12:31 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry 44ucation 2024-1446 + EXPANSION Units 1-4 3 Reading Before Reading 1. Look at the photos. What do you think the text is about? 2. What do you know about the different ways of conserving water and providing freshwater? WATER FOR LIFE Imagine going to get a drink of water and discovering that the faucet is dry; or jumping into the shower to cool off on a steamy hot day and discovering that there's no water... Most of us simply take water for granted. We think there's plenty of it-in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. But this is not the case. The water we are using now is the very same water that the dinosaurs used millions of years ago. It is simply recycled over and over again. There will never be any more water on Earth than there is now. Most of the water on our planet (97%) is salt water stored in oceans. The remaining 3 percent is freshwater—and most of that is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. In fact, less than 1 percent of the planet's water is usable freshwater. It's alarming that at the projected rate of population growth, humanity will use up more than 70 percent of all accessible freshwater by 2025. Water is essential to people in more ways than we might think. We need water for cooking, bathing, transportation, and recreation. We eat aquatic plants and fish. We use water to irrigate our crops, to produce hydroelectric power, and to manufacture products. Water is indispensable for human health and well-being. People can live for two months without food, but will die in less than a week without water. One of the greatest challenges facing the world in the twenty-first century is to preserve our natural reserves and to provide safe drinking water to the 20 percent or more of Earth's population that currently lacks easy access to it. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the years from 2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action "Water for Life." One of the solutions to the problem of water conservation is to recycle wastewater. Stensund Folk College near Stockholm, Sweden, for example, is putting wastewater to good use. The school treats the wastewater in a greenhouse, where it is then used to provide water to plants and fish in an integrated cultivation system. In Lima, Peru, ponds full of algae and other small organisms clean up the wastewater. After 20 days, it is safe for reuse. Currently many factories, hotel chains, and apartment buildings around the world are installing water recycling systems. We all need to be part of the solution, too. We need to learn how to use our water wisely. So the next time you have a drink or take a shower, think of how fortunate you are, and save water for life. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 44 Stensund Wastewater Aquaculture 30/4/24 12:31 AM

After Reading A. Choose the correct answer. 1. Why do many people take water for granted? a. It's cheap. b. It cools you down. c. It's easily available. 2. How much of the water on our planet is freshwater? a. a great part b. a small amount c. a lot c. one month 3. How long can human beings live without water? b. two weeks a. less than one week 4. What is one of the world's greatest challenges in the 21st century? a. to recycle seawater b. to find water c. to provide freshwater 5. What do people use to clean up wastewater in Peru? a. algae b. fish c. sun B. Answer true or false. 1. There is more freshwater today on Earth than at the time of the dinosaurs. 2. By 2025, we'll use up 1 percent of all existing freshwater. 3. 4. 45 5. At least one-fifth of the world's population does not have easy access to safe drinking water. The main goal of "Water for Life" is to recycle wastewater. At Stensund Folk College, Sweden, fish live in recycled water. Discussion 1. Water is essential for life. Discuss the different ways that humans depend on water every day. 2. What will happen to a community if its water becomes contaminated? 3. What do you know about the different ways of conserving and providing freshwater? WATER- 4 Project o وزارة التعليم Work in a group. Research ways to save water in our everyday lives. Then prepare a campaign to persuade people to save water. 1. Find a title for your campaign. 2. List everyday suggestions to save water. 3. Present to the class. USE IT WISELY Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 45 45 30/4/24 12:31 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry 46ication 2024-1446 + EXPANSION Units 1-4 5 Chant Along What Have They Done to You? Parrot, parrot, what have they done to you? Parrot, parrot, what have they done to you? They put you in a cage and made you talk. They cut your wings and made you walk. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! River, river, what have they done to you? River, river, what have they done to you? Your crystal waters no longer flow. The fish and the lilies no longer grow. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! Forest, forest, what have they done to you? Forest, forest, what have they done to you? They cut your trunks and cut your branches. They said they needed you for ranches. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! But we can save the birds and bees, Mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees. It's a problem that we all must face. If we all just do our share. Save the water, clean the air. We can make the world a better place. We can make the world a better place. We can make the world a better place. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 46 30/4/24 12:31 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry 46ication 2024-1446 + EXPANSION Units 1-4 5 Chant Along What Have They Done to You? Parrot, parrot, what have they done to you? Parrot, parrot, what have they done to you? They put you in a cage and made you talk. They cut your wings and made you walk. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! River, river, what have they done to you? River, river, what have they done to you? Your crystal waters no longer flow. The fish and the lilies no longer grow. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! Forest, forest, what have they done to you? Forest, forest, what have they done to you? They cut your trunks and cut your branches. They said they needed you for ranches. Look what they've done to you. Just look what they've done to you! But we can save the birds and bees, Mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees. It's a problem that we all must face. If we all just do our share. Save the water, clean the air. We can make the world a better place. We can make the world a better place. We can make the world a better place. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 46 30/4/24 12:31 AM