Form Meaning and Function - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Now write sentences about Noura, Maha, and Badria. Use all, not all, or none.
(23) 3.3 التقييم 47 التعليقات المشاركة

+ 12 Form, Meaning and Function All, Both, Neither, None All / Both / Neither / None + of + object pronoun + verb Both / Neither refer to two people or two things. Neither means not one and goes with singular verbs and nouns. Both of them are teachers. Both of them teach science. Neither of them is a math teacher. Neither of them teaches math. All/None refer to three or more people or things. All of them are teachers. All of them teach science. None of them are math teachers. None of them teach math. All/Both All Both can go after the auxiliary verb (be, can, do, etc.) and before the main verb. They are both teachers. They can all speak English. We both teach science. We are all having fun. Are they both science teachers? Can they all speak English? Do you both teach science? Are you all having fun? Lifestyle Survey Noura Maha Badria Are you a vegetarian? no no no Do you often eat junk food? no no yes Can you cook? yes yes yes Do you work out regularly? yes yes no Do you drink a lot of coffee? no no no رابط الدرس Can you cook? Yes. A. Look at the survey. Write sentences about Noura and Maha. Use both or neither. Neither of them is a vegetarian. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Now write sentences about Noura, Maha, and Badria. Use all, not all, or none. 2. 3. 4. - 2 3 4 5 1. 5. C. Create your own survey with questions about lifestyle. Answer the survey. Then ask two classmates the survey questions. Write sentences about you and your classmates with all, none, both, and neither. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 11 11 30/4/24 12:30 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Form, Meaning and Function

شرح Form, Meaning and Function

Look at the survey. Write sentences about Noura and Maha. Use both or neither: Neither of them is a vegetarian

شرح Look at the survey. Write sentences about Noura and Maha. Use both or neither: Neither of them is a vegetarian حل Look at the survey. Write sentences about Noura and Maha. Use both or neither: Neither of them is a vegetarian

Now write sentences about Noura, Maha, and Badria. Use all, not all, or none.

شرح Now write sentences about Noura, Maha, and Badria. Use all, not all, or none. حل Now write sentences about Noura, Maha, and Badria. Use all, not all, or none.

Create your own survey with questions about lifestyle. Answer the survey. Then ask two classmates the survey questions. Write sentences about you and your classmates with all, none, both, and

شرح Create your own survey with questions about lifestyle. Answer the survey. Then ask two classmates the survey questions. Write sentences about you and your classmates with all, none, both, and
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منذ 5 أشهر
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اسماعيل ابراهيم
منذ سنتين
لوسمحت هدا انتي حلو لنت
اسماعيل ابراهيم
منذ سنتين
ولله حلو
اسامة الجابر
منذ 3 سنوات
صادق حلي كلامك

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