Grammar - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

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كتاب النشاط
Now ask questions about the people in the exercise A
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(371) 4.5 التقييم 145 التعليقات المشاركة

O 1 Lifestyles 3 Grammar Simple Present Tense: Habitual Activities Do Does you he/she usually drink coffee? I rarely drink coffee. He/She drinks coffee now and then. رابط الدرس الرقمي Adverbs/Expressions of Frequency 100% of the time 50%-99% 20%-49% 1%-19% 0% always, all the time usually, generally, normally, frequently, often, regularly sometimes, occasionally, from time to time once in a while, now and then, hardly ever, seldom, rarely never I rarely eat junk food. I'm usually a salad-and-fruit person. But I'll eat a piece of pizza once in a while. • Adverbs of frequency usually come before the verb. • • However, they come after the verb be. Expressions such as all the time, now and then, once in a while, twice a week, once a month, every two months usually come at the end of the sentence. • Some adverbs and expressions can come at the beginning of the sentence. Sometimes Hameed works late. From time to time, he brings work to do at home. Questions with How Often/How Much/How Long Q: How often do you use your cell phone? Q: How much time do you spend in the shower? Q: How long do you spend on your homework? A: I use it 20 times a day. A: I spend about 5 minutes. A: I spend about 2 hours every night. Jamal seldom exercises. A. Rewrite the sentences in the opposite. Use the words in parentheses. Jamal frequently exercises. (seldom) 1. Ibrahim constantly talks on the phone. (rarely) 2. My brother occasionally checks his email. (often) 3. I sometimes surf on the Internet. (once in a while) 4. Qassim always arrives at work on time. (hardly ever) 5. Maha usually drinks tea instead of coffee. (from time to time) B. Now ask questions about the people in exercise A. How often does Jamal exercise وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. How often 2. How often 3. How often 4. How often 5. How often SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 30/4/24 12:29 AM


grammar: Simple Present Tense: Habitual Activities

شرح grammar: Simple Present Tense: Habitual Activities

Rewrite the sentences in the opposite. Use the words in parentheses.

شرح Rewrite the sentences in the opposite. Use the words in parentheses. حل Rewrite the sentences in the opposite. Use the words in parentheses.

Now ask questions about the people in the exercise A

شرح Now ask questions about the people in the exercise A حل Now ask questions about the people in the exercise A

O C. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about people's habits and routines. A: What does Adnan normally do in the evening? B: He usually studies. Adnan / normally/ evening 1. Faris/generally / for lunch 2. Frank and Ali / occasionally / in the park 3. Emma seldom / after dinner 4. Ahmed and his family / often / on the weekend 5. Kyle/ sometimes / with his friends 6. Ben now and then D. How often do you do the activities in exercise C? Write sentences using an adverb or expression of frequency. Compare sentences in small groups. I normally get a haircut two months. every E. Write sentences about things you usually/always do and you seldom/never do. Write at least two false sentences. Read them to your partner. Can your partner guess which sentences are true and which sentences are false? I usually hang out with friends at the mall. my I never watch TV on the weekend. True False وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 2 3 4 5 6. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 5 19 5 30/4/24 12:29 AM


Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about people’s habits and routines.

شرح Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about people’s habits and routines. حل Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about people’s habits and routines.

Write sentences about things you usually/always do and you seldom/never do. Write at least two false sentences. Read them to your partner. Can your partner guess which sentences are true and

شرح Write sentences about things you usually/always do and you seldom/never do. Write at least two false sentences. Read them to your partner. Can your partner guess which sentences are true and حل Write sentences about things you usually/always do and you seldom/never do. Write at least two false sentences. Read them to your partner. Can your partner guess which sentences are true and

How often do you do the activities in exercise C? Write sentences using an adverb or expression of frequency. Compare sentences in small groups.

شرح How often do you do the activities in exercise C? Write sentences using an adverb or expression of frequency. Compare sentences in small groups.
منذ 4 أشهر
مافهمت شي
حلا بجوي
منذ 4 أشهر
ابو مجتبي فاضي تلعب روح ذاكر بس
حلا بجوي
منذ 4 أشهر
مخمليه 😅
حلا بجوي
منذ 4 أشهر
الصراحه شرحه حلو بس يتكلم بسرعه و اسلوبه يقهر و نطقه لحرف الراء مره ينرفز حسسني من الطبقة الخمليه

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