Form Meaning and Function - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Replace the underlined words in the conversation with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives
(13) 2.6 التقييم 29 التعليقات المشاركة

O 11 Form, Meaning and Function Object Possessive Possessive Subject Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns | me my mine you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its its they them their theirs you you your yours we us our ours Subject + Verb + Object Subject Pronouns take the place of the subject in a sentence. They come before the verb. Tom likes football. He likes football. Object Pronouns take the place of the object in a sentence. They come after the verb. Tom likes football. He likes it. Possessive Adjectives show who owns something. They go before a noun. Tom's favorite sport is football. His favorite sport is football. Possessive Pronouns show ownership. They take the place of a noun. It's not Tom's football. It's my football. It's not his. It's mine. A. Replace the underlined words in the conversation with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives. Sam: AAA... Atchoo! Dan: Sam, what's wrong with (1) Sam? Sam: I think I caught a virus on the school trip. Everyone in my class caught (2) the virus. Charles had a cough. (3) Charles sat next to (4) Sam on the bus, so perhaps I caught (5) the virus from (6) Charles. It was cold at the zoo, and Mr. Parker told (7) my classmates and I to put on (8) my classmates' and my jackets. (9) Mr. Parker said that (10) my classmates and I should stay warm. Well, I didn't listen to (11) Mr. Parker. I didn't wear (12) my jacket and some of my friends didn't wear (13) my friends' jackets. Maybe that made (14) the virus worse. Dan: (15) Sam should see a doctor. AAAAAT CHOOOOO0 Sam: I did. (16) The doctor gave (17) Sam a prescription for some medicine. (18) The doctor said I should take (19) the medicine three times a day. (20) The medicine tastes terrible! وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 73 73 30/4/24 12:04 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Subject + Verb + Object

شرح Subject + Verb + Object

Replace the underlined words in the conversation with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives

شرح Replace the underlined words in the conversation with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives حل Replace the underlined words in the conversation with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives
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