Grammar - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount
(19) 4.2 التقييم 61 التعليقات المشاركة

pile 36jlja O رابط الدرس 5 Is There Any Ice Cream? 3 Grammar Count/Noncount Nouns Count nouns name things that you can count: one carrot, two carrots, etc. They have singular and plural forms. Singular Count Nouns a burger an egg Plural Count Nouns two burgers three eggs Noncount nouns name things that you can't count: rice, tea. They don't use a/an. They don't have plural forms. Some nouns can be count or noncount: a salad or some salad; a soup or some soup. Expressions of Quantity: Some / Any Use some in affirmative statements. Use any in negative statements and in questions. Use some/any with noncount nouns and with plural nouns. Affirmative (+) Negative (-) There is some juice. There are some fries. Questions (?) There isn't any juice. There aren't any fries. Is there any juice? Are there any fries? Sometimes some is used in questions for offers. Do you want some pizza? How about some coffee? Would Like FYI I'd = I would Use would like for preferences. Q: What would you like? A: I'd like a steak sandwich. Q: Would you like some mustard on it? A: Yes, please. / No, thank you. Partitives We say: a bottle of juice, a cup of coffee, a glass of water, a piece of cake. A. Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount. B. Complete the sentences. Use a or some. 1. ice cream 2. potatoes 3. 4. 5. 2 3 4 5 6 № ∞o oi 6. 7. eggs cheese chocolate vegetables sandwiches 8. juice 9... tomatoes 1. I'd like cheese sandwich and soft drink. 2. Would you like 3. I want French fries with your steak? burger with onions. 4. Can I have chicken and green salad? 5. I'd like 6. I'd like piece of cheesecake for dessert. turkey sandwiches for lunch? cup of coffee. glass of water? 7. How about eggs and 8. I'm thirsty. May I have Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 36 30/4/24 12:03 AM


Count/Noncount Nouns

شرح Count/Noncount Nouns

Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount

شرح Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount حل Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount

Complete the sentences. Use a or some

شرح Complete the sentences. Use a or some حل Complete the sentences. Use a or some

رابط الدرس الرق C. Complete the conversation. Use some, any, order, and would like. You can use the words more than once. Then practice with a partner. Omar: Is this Gino's Italian restaurant? Tony: Yes, it is. This is Tony speaking. How can I help you? Omar: I want to (1.) some food for delivery. Tony: What (2.) Omar: I'd like (3.) you ? minestrone soup and the lasagna bolognese. Do you have (4.) apple juice? Tony: Sorry, we don't have (5.) juice. Would you like (6.) coffee? Omar: Yes, please. Two cups of hot coffee. Tony: Anything else? Omar: Yes. Don't forget to include (7.) garlic bread. It's so delicious! D. With a partner, practice ordering a meal that you would like. Use the conversation in exercise C as a model. 4 Listening Hameed Order 316 Aisha Order 317 Listen and mark what Hameed and Aisha order for lunch. soup salad baked potato fries soup Isalad chicken I soda I chicken pasta iced tea I pasta pizza I coffee pizza fish of the day ice cream sandwich cake I sandwich Ifish of the day baked potato fries I soda iced tea I coffee ice cream cake 5 Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of the plural endings. Then practice. وزارة التعليم /s/ /z/ drinks eggs lǝz/ juices desserts vegetables sandwiches cups fries dishes Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 37 37 30/4/24 12:03 AM


Complete the conversation. Use some, any, order, and would like

شرح Complete the conversation. Use some, any, order, and would like حل Complete the conversation. Use some, any, order, and would like

Listen and mark what Hameed and Aisha order for lunch

شرح Listen and mark what Hameed and Aisha order for lunch

practice ordering a meal that you would like

شرح practice ordering a meal that you would like

Listen to the pronunciation of the plural endings

شرح Listen to the pronunciation of the plural endings
jrab Al jrab
منذ 4 أشهر
استاذه ساعديني في حل نموذج اختبار ثاني متوسط
abody Alotibi
منذ سنة
طيب لو سمحت مافي ترجمة
حسن الصري
منذ سنتين

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