Reading - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط
Term 1
Are You Here on Vacation
What Are They Making
Favorite Pastimes
Is There Any Ice Cream
Term 2
What Was It Like
let's a Bargain!
There's No Comprasion
EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
It's Going to Be Fun!
What's the Weather Like
Could You Do Me a Favor
EXPANSION Units 12-16
Term 1
نشاط1 Are You Here on Vacation
نشاط 2 What Are They Making
نشاط 3 Who's who
نشاط 4 Favorite Pastimes
نشاط 5 Is There Any Ice Cream
نشاط EXPANSION 1-5
Term 2
نشاط 6 What Was It Like
نشاط 7 What Happened
نشاط 8 What's Wrong
نشاط 9 Let's Go Out
نشاط 10 let's a Bargain
نشاط 11 There's No Comprasion
نشاط EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
نشاط 12 It's Going to Be Fun
نشاط 13 What's the Weather Like
نشاط 14 Could You Do Me a Favor
نشاط 15 Today's News
نشاط 16 Have You Ever
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
رابط الدرس الرف 8 Reading Before Reading What do you know about youth hostels? What do you know about S.A.Y.H.A.? The Place to Stay وزارة التعليم 000 Many young people traveling around the world are backpackers or students on a low budget. They want to see the world, but they can't afford to pay for regular hotels. So youth hostels are the perfect solution for travelers without a lot of money to spend. Today there are more than 4000 hostels in over 80 countries, and the Saudi Arabian Youth Hostels Association (S.A.Y.H.A) offers accommodations in 21 cities across the Kingdom. The accommodations in hostels are inexpensive because guests usually share rooms and bathrooms. Most hostels have a laundry room, telephones, Internet connection, and a restaurant. Some hostels also offer cooking facilities, such as a kitchen with pots and dishes. Youth hostels are usually in interesting places where young people can learn about the local monuments, history, and culture. Some hostels are even inside old historic buildings, castles, and on boats. Hostels are definitely the place for socializing. The guests, who are from different cities or countries, have the opportunity to meet other young people and share experiences. Many hostels organize tours and fun activities. For example, S.A.Y.H.A. holds sports and painting competitions, and there are also prizes for the best community projects. So when traveling, youth hostels are the best place to stay and make new friends. After Reading Answer yes or no. Young tourists are usually rich. WAN HAI HOTEL 1. 2. The rooms in youth hostels are usually cheap. 3. You are allowed to cook in all youth hostels. 4. Hostels are good places for meeting people. Discussion Where do you stay when you travel? Describe the places where you stay. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 7 B BREAKFASY BREIKFAST Alis 7 30/4/24 12:02 AM