Writing - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Match the school supplies with the correct verb
(20) 3.8 التقييم 119 التعليقات المشاركة

O 1 Good Morning! 9 Writing A. Match the phrase with the correct response. 1. 2. Where are you from? Hello. My name is Mona. 3. What's your teacher's name? 2 3 4 5 6 4. 5. Are you a new student? Goodbye. 6. Welcome to our class. a. See you later. b. Yes, it's my third day here. c. Thanks. You're friendly here. d. Her name is Miss Refaa. e. I'm from Dammam. f. Nice to meet you. I'm Farah. رابط الدرس الرقمي www.ien.edu.sa Writing Corner 1. Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period. She is a new student. Her name is Farah. 2. There is a question mark at the end of a question. Is she a new student? What is her name? 3. For questions with the verb be, the subject and the verb change places. Question Where is Farah from? Are you a new student? Answer Farah is from Dammam. Yes. I'm a new student. B. Write questions for the answers in the chart. Then, work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Write your partner's answers below the examples. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Question Answer My name is Farah. Yes, I'm a new student. No. It's my third day at this school. I'm from Dammam. Miss Amal is my English teacher. C. Work with a partner. Write a conversation to welcome a new student to your school. Use questions and expressions from page 7 and from the activities above. 10 Project o Make a list of formal and informal greetings in English. Draw a picture or find a photo for each وزارة التعليم Ministry Education 2024-1446 one. SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 8 29/4/24 11:29 PM


Match the phrase with the correct response.

شرح Match the phrase with the correct response. حل Match the phrase with the correct response.

Make a list of formal and informal greetings in English. Draw a picture or find a photo for each

شرح Make a list of formal and informal greetings in English. Draw a picture or find a photo for each

Write questions for the answers in the chart. Then, work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Write your partner’s answers below the examples.

شرح Write questions for the answers in the chart. Then, work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Write your partner’s answers below the examples. حل Write questions for the answers in the chart. Then, work with a partner to ask and answer the questions. Write your partner’s answers below the examples.

Write a conversation to welcome a new student to your school

شرح Write a conversation to welcome a new student to your school

O 11 Form, Meaning and Function A. Write the correct word below each photo. 4. 1. eraser books pen scissors notebook pencil crayon paints 2. School Supplies 6. 7. B. Match the school supplies with the correct verb. 1. books a. color 2. eraser b. read 3. pencil c. paint 4. scissors d. write 5. paints e. cut f. erase 3. 8. 5. school 6. crayon C. Write the correct verb from exercise B. 1. We 2. We 3. We • 4. We 5. We books. with scissors. with a pen or pencil. in our notebooks. with crayons. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 9 9 29/4/24 11:29 PM


Write the correct word below each photo

شرح Write the correct word below each photo حل Write the correct word below each photo

Match the school supplies with the correct verb

شرح Match the school supplies with the correct verb حل Match the school supplies with the correct verb

Write the correct verb from exercise B

شرح Write the correct verb from exercise B حل Write the correct verb from exercise B
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