Reading - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

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Project work in groups
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(45) 4.3 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

O 12 Culture Shock 9 Reading Before Reading What problems do you think people have adapting to a different culture? A FISH OUT OF WATER رابط الدرس الرقمي Almost everyone who studies, lives, or works abroad experiences some degree of culture shock. This period of cultural adjustment involves everything from getting used to the food and language to smaller things like learning how to use the telephone. No matter how patient and flexible you are, adjusting to a new culture can sometimes be difficult and frustrating. Some people get depressed, and very homesick. But don't panic—these are all totally normal reactions and you are not alone. The term culture shock was first used by writer Kalervo Oberg in 1954. He found that all human beings experience the same feelings when they travel to or live in a different country or culture. Oberg identified five distinct stages of culture shock. 1. THE ADJUSTMENT PHASE This period can last six months or longer. The newcomer is excited about being in a new place and experiencing a new lifestyle. Some problems may occur, but the person usually tends to accept them as part of the adjustment to another country and novelty of being in a new place. People are generally helpful to the newcomer, and that person feels welcome. 2. EMPTINESS OR REJECTION PHASE The newcomer has to deal with the usual problems of accommodation, transportation, shopping (not finding your favorite foods), and very often not being able to communicate fluently in the local language. The local people may not understand why the newcomer is making such a big deal over what they see as a small problem. At this point, the newcomer starts to complain about, and maybe even reject, the new country. 3. THE CONFORMIST PHASE Gaining some understanding of the new culture, its ideals, and its values brings a new feeling of pleasure. The crisis is over when the newcomer learns to understand the cultural differences, but hasn't completely adjusted to the new culture. 4. ASSIMILATION PHASE OR COMPLETE ADJUSTMENT In this phase, the person accepts the food, the habits, and customs of the new country, and may even find some things better than things back home. The newcomer becomes completely adjusted and feels comfortable in the new place. On returning home, the traveler will miss the new friends and the country and will cherish the memories forever. 5. REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK This is when the person comes back to the home country. The returnee may have been away from home for a long time and gets a “re-entry shock.” Many things may have changed, and it will take a while to get used to home again. وزارة التعليم Ministry 30ation 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 130 30/4/24 12:33 AM




O After Reading A. Match the words with the definitions. -23456 N∞ flexible frustrating homesick stage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. novelty 7. values 8. to cherish newcomer a. missing home and family b. able to change in different situations c. beliefs about what is right or wrong d. person who has arrived recently e. annoying because you cannot do something you want f. one level or phase in a series g. to remember a pleasant feeling for a long time h. something new and interesting B. Answer about the reading. 1. What do you think "fish out of water” means? 2. What do you understand by the term “culture shock"? 3. When did the expression first appear? 4. In your own words, classify the five different stages of culture shock. PLZ H AGLE-US Discussion 1. Have you ever lived for a period of time in another country? What was your experience like? Did you get culture shock? Reverse culture shock? 2. What experiences of culture shock have people that you know had when they visited another country? 10 Project Work in groups. Think of advice to give to travelers to your country. Make a list of tips to help them fit into the local culture. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 131 131 30/4/24 12:33 AM


Match the words with the definitons

شرح Match the words with the definitons حل Match the words with the definitons

Have you ever lived for a period of time in another country?

شرح Have you ever lived for a period of time in another country? حل Have you ever lived for a period of time in another country?

Project work in groups

شرح Project work in groups
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