grammar - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط
term 1
uint1: good morning
uint2: What Day Is Today
uint3: What's That
uint4: Around the World
uint5: Families, Families
term 2
uint6: Is There a View
uint7: Where Do You Live
uint8: What Are You Doing
?uint9: what do you do
? uint10: What's school like
?uint11: What Time Do You Get Up
expnation units 6-11
term 3
?uint12: What Can You Do There
?uint13: What Are You Going To Wear There
uint14: Let's Celebrate
uint15: Then and Now
?uint16: What Did You Do Last Week
EXPANSION Units12-16
نشاط 1 Good Moorning
نشاط 2 What Day Is Today
نشاط 3 What's That
نشاط 4 Around the World
نشاط 5 Families, Families
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-5
نشاط 6 Is There a View
نشاط 7 Where Do You Live
نشاط 8 What Are You Doing
نشاط9 what do you do
نشاط10 What's school like
نشاط11 What Time Do You Get Up
نشاط expnation units 6-11
نشاط12 What Can You Do There
نشاط13 What Are You Going To Wear There
نشاط14 Let's Celebrate
نشاط15 Then and Now
نشاط16 What Did You Do Last Week
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
15 Then and Now 3 Grammar O رابط الدرس الر Simple Past Tense: be Affirmative (+) FYI Negative (-) wasn't was + not = = weren't were + not | He was She It We | He wasn't She famous. It famous. We You were You weren't They They Questions (?) Short Answers (+) Short Answers (-) | Was he he was. she she it famous? Yes, it we we Were you they you they were. | he wasn't. she No. it we you weren't. they To be born Q: Where were you born? Q: Where was he/she born? A: I was born in Oman. A: He/She was born in Kuwait. A. Complete the conversations. Use was/wasn't or were/weren't. 1. A: your father born in the States? B: No, he A: Where in Europe He 4. A: What born in Europe. he born? B: He Oscar like? very smart. A: his grades good? B: He born in Poland. B: No, they 2. A: What B: He and his your father's first job? brother waiters. 5. A: you late for school? B: Yes, I A: How old B: They they? very old-17 and 15. A: Why? B: The bus 3. A: How the graduation party? 6. A: late. the hotel comfortable? B: It great. B: Yes, it OK. A: Who there? A: What B: All our friends there. B: It the weather like? terrible. وزارة التعليم Ministry of 34ation 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 134 29/4/24 11:35 PM

O رابط الدرس Positive (+) Negative (-) great bad terrible interesting boring awesome beautiful uncomfortable crowded B. Work with a partner. Imagine you went on vacation to these places. Ask and answer about your vacation. Use the adjectives in the box. A: How was your vacation? B: It was great. OR It was boring. A: That's good! OR That's too bad! OK 1 Great Wall, China 2 Pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3 4 Coliseum in Rome, Italy 4 Listening Listen to the description of the life of Majed Ahmed Abdullah. Complete the information. 1. Nickname 2. Schools 3. Football experience before Al-Nasser 4. National records 5. National Team 5 Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of was and were. Then practice. You were late for class. Where were you? Sorry I was late. I was in the library. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 135 135 29/4/24 11:35 PM