Grammar - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط
Term 1
Are You Here on Vacation
What Are They Making
Favorite Pastimes
Is There Any Ice Cream
Term 2
What Was It Like
let's a Bargain!
There's No Comprasion
EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
It's Going to Be Fun!
What's the Weather Like
Could You Do Me a Favor
EXPANSION Units 12-16
Term 1
نشاط1 Are You Here on Vacation
نشاط 2 What Are They Making
نشاط 3 Who's who
نشاط 4 Favorite Pastimes
نشاط 5 Is There Any Ice Cream
نشاط EXPANSION 1-5
Term 2
نشاط 6 What Was It Like
نشاط 7 What Happened
نشاط 8 What's Wrong
نشاط 9 Let's Go Out
نشاط 10 let's a Bargain
نشاط 11 There's No Comprasion
نشاط EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
نشاط 12 It's Going to Be Fun
نشاط 13 What's the Weather Like
نشاط 14 Could You Do Me a Favor
نشاط 15 Today's News
نشاط 16 Have You Ever
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
pil-116ljg 13 What's the Weather Like? 3 Grammar Future with Will FYI Use will to talk about something that you think will or will not happen in the future. won't will not Affirmative (+) Negative (-) ווין (I + will) You'll (you + will) You He'll (he + will) He She'll travel. (she + will) She won't travel. It'll (it + will) It We'll (we + will) We They'll (they + will) They Yes-No Question (?) Will you travel next summer? Short Answer (+) Yes, I will. Short Answer (-) No. I won't. Information Questions What will you do in the summer? I'll probably travel. Where will you go? How will you go? I'll go to Jordan. Maybe I'll drive. Note: We often use will with probably or maybe to express doubt or uncertainty. A. Ask and answer about the weather. A: What will the weather be like in Muscat tomorrow? B: It'll be warm and cloudy. The temperature will be 25 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow's Weather Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 116 RIYADH, KSA 81/62 °F 27/17 °C ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN 50/30 °F 10/-1 °C ABU DHABI, UAE 86/70 °F 30/21 °C CAIRO, EGYPT 59/46 °F 15/8 °C MUSCAT, OMAN 77/64 °F 25/18 °C TABUK, KSA 39/28 °F 4/-2 °C BEIRUT, LEBANON 62/52 °F 17/11 °C ABHA, KSA 54/41 °F 12/5 °C AMMAN, JORDAN 46/41 °F 8/5 °C (High/Low Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and in degrees Celsius) رابط الدرس 30/4/24 12:06 AM

رابط الدرس O B. Ask and answer questions about your plans for the various times in the box. in the summer on the weekend in the winter next week in the spring next year tomorrow in the fall on Saturday in the future A: What will you probably do in the summer? B: I'll probably go horseback riding in Najran. قرآن مخطوط Hand Written Cran 4 Listening Listen to the weather report. Answer yes or no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The weather was fine on Thursday afternoon. Temperatures will be in the sixties on Friday afternoon. Saturday will be beautiful and sunny all day. It usually rains in the spring. It will probably snow on Saturday. You won't need boots and jackets in the mountains. 5 Pronunciation Listen to the /1/ sound. Then practice. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Rain Change BARDMET fair Very Bry A barometer measures changes in atmospheric pressure and helps to predict whether it will be wet or dry. /I/ ווי I'll meet you at seven. she'll She'll go shopping next week. you'll You'll get cold. we'll We'll have fun on the trip. he'll He'll travel in the summer. they'll They'll probably stay home. . SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 117 117 30/4/24 12:06 AM