Reading - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط
Term 1
Life Stories
When are you Travelling
What Do I Need to Buy
Term 2
Since When
Do You Know Where it is
It's Good Deal, Isn't It
Drive Slowly
EXPANSION Unuits 5-8
Term 3
all kinds of people
Who Used My Toothpaste
Making choices
Culture Shock
EXPANSION Units 9-12
Term 1
نشاط 1 Lifestyles
نشاط 2 Life Stories
نشاط 3 When are you Travelling
نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy
نشاط EXPANSION Unuits 1-4
Term 2
نشاط 5 Since When
نشاط 6 Do You Know Where it is
نشاط 7 It's Good Deal, Isn't It
نشاط 8 Drive Slowly!
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
Term 3
نشاط 9 all kinds of people
نشاط 10 Who Used My Toothpaste
نشاط 11 Making choices
نشاط 12 Culture Shock
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9-12
وزارة التعليم Ministry o74ucation 2024-1446 + 7 It's a Good Deal, Isn't It? 9 Reading Before Reading What do you know about twins? Have you ever met any? رابط الدرس الرقمي You Look Just Like Me! "Hi, Eddy. We're going to be in math class together again this semester, aren't we?" "Sorry. I'm not Eddy." "Nice to see you again, Bobby." "Sorry. I don't know you." "You're Bobby, aren't you?" "No, I am not. I'm Eddy." This is the story of an amazing coincidence. Three brothers-triplets-met for the first time at the age of 19. Bobby Shafran started a new semester at Sullivan Community College in New York. The previous semester Eddy Galland was a student there. The two teens looked exactly alike. Another student confused Bobby with Eddy, and then he realized that the boys were probably brothers. That student introduced Bobby to Eddy. The two boys found out that they were in fact twins, born at the same time. The boys were orphans and grew up in two different families. The families didn't know that their baby boys had brothers. But even more amazing was this. After the story was in the newspapers, another boy, named David Kellman, realized that he was their brother, too—also born at the same time. So, the twins became triplets! There are many touching stories of orphans who meet for the first time as adults. Another well-known story of twins is that of Daphne Goodship and Barbara Herbert. They met for the first time at the age of 39. When they met, each was wearing a beige dress and a brown jacket. Blue was their favorite color. They both liked their coffee cold and black. Well, perhaps, that isn't very surprising, is it? But how about these similarities? They both fell down some stairs at the age of 15, and later they had problems with their ankles. They both used the same recipe book and sometimes cooked the same meal on the same day. And to scientists who studied them, they had similar personalities: they were talkative, and they laughed a lot. Because of this, they were called the "Giggle" twins. Scientists like to study such cases of twins. They want to answer the classic question, “What's more important—heredity or environment?" Studies with twins like the Giggle twins seem to make a case for heredity, don't they? The twins grew up in different environments, but still the twins are very similar in many ways. But are all the similarities just coincidences? What do you think? SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 74 30/4/24 12:32 AM

O After Reading A. Answer the questions about the reading. 1. How did Bobby and Eddy first meet? 2. What happened when one brother read the newspaper? 3. How were the Giggle twins similar? 4. Why were they called the Giggle twins? B. Match the following words in the reading with their definitions. a. three children born at the same time b. think wrongly that a person is someone else c. a situation in which two things happen together by chance d. a child who has lost his parents 1. coincidence 2. confuse 3. 4. 5. orphan heredity triplets 6. touching e. what you get from your parents f. having a strong emotional effect ☑5 C. Role-play an interview with one set of twins/triplets in the article. Work in small groups, and take turns being "twins" or "triplets" and interviewers. Present your interviews to the class. Discussion 1. What do you think that cases like the Giggle twins show? 2. What do you think is more important in people's personalities, heredity or environment? Can you give any examples? Think about your own family and people you know. 10 Project Work in groups of four. Prepare an advertisement for a garage sale. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 75 SALE SALE GARAGE GARAGE 75 30/4/24 12:32 AM