Who is the author of Gulliver Travels

What is the setting of the novel

What did Gulliver want to be besides being a surgeon

How did Gulliver use his free time wisely

Do you think this is an appropriate ? why or why not

Do you think if Gulliver had been so huge to the little people they would have stll tied him up ?

Do you think Gulliver is evil or kind ?Explain using examples from the story

Which five languages could Gulliver speak

Why did the king make a new law that said no one could see Gulliver unless they had a licence

How long did ittake Gulliver to learn how to speak the language of the little people ?

sWhy did the king order three thousand of his soldiers to ride in a line between Gullivers leg

List three of the promises Gulliver had to make in order for him to be unchained

Why did the king order the people of Mildendo to stay indoors while Gulliver was visiting their city ?

What was the argument between the two political groups Tramecksan and Slamecksan about

Why did some of the people of Lilliput take part in rebellions ?


Why did Lilliput and Blefuscu been fighting for year

Was Gulliver happy to help the people of Lilliput fight against Blefuscu Explain

What did Gulliver do with the fifty metal poles which he requested from the Lilliputians?

What does this tell you about Gullivers personality

How is Gullivers kindness to the people of people of Lilliput in chapter one similar to the kind ness he latern shown to the people of Blefuscu

What does this punishment tell you about the king personality ?Is he good man ? Explainn

Why were each of these men angry with Gulliver : Flimnap ,the treasurer ,Skyresh Bolgolam ,the king advister ,an importantofficer in the navy ?

What did he do instead

What did Gulliver plan to do with the damaged boat he found near the shore ?

What made John Biddel finally believe that Gulliver really had been to the land of little people

Where did Gulliver earn the money to buy a larger house

When did Gulliver have these thoughts ? Do you agree or disagree ? explain

What did Gulmdalclitch call Gulliver ? what does this name mean

What did Gulliver do to entertain the people at the inn

What was the one request that Gulliver asked of the queen

Why did Gulliver say goodbye to the farmer as he was leaving

Do you think the farmer is selfish and greedy man ? Explain


What other mean tricks did the servant do to Gulliver

Why have not the people of Brobdingnag ever travelled to other countries

What made Gulliver think like this ?

How do you think travelling to other countries might make a pearson see his own country differently ?

Why did the king of Brobdingnag think that Gulliver was lucky to have left England and come to the land of Brobdingnag

What did Gulliver think of the music of Brobdingnag

Why did the servant who was looking after Gulliver leave him

Why did Gulliver ask the captain the ship if he had seen any enormous birds

Why do you think he felt this way ? How had Gulliver changed

How did then the english people react to his yelling ?

What did Mary think that her husband Gulliver was acting strangely

Do you think Gulliver would have ever thought like this if he had not travelled to Lilliput and Brobdingag / give reasons for your answer

Would you like to visit Lilliput or Brobdingnag if you could ? which would you prefer ? Give reasons for your answer