LESSON - CONNECT PRIMARY 6 Term 2 - سادس ابتدائي


Circle the correct answer What is the story mainly about?

Put the story events in the correct order Atemu had never been to the city.

What did you learn about Atemu and his family? Write and answer T (True) or F (False) Atemu lives in a big town.

Match the verbs from the story with the past simple form give


Complete the paragraph with the past simple form of the verbs Atemu loved birds. Every day, birds

Write three sentences about the story using verbs from Exercise 5 with the past simple form

Complete the paragraph. Check your answers in the story All of the birds were light gray,

Why do you think the bird stayed with Atemu?

Why do you think carrier pigeons were needed?

What do you think will happen next in the story?