LESSON - CONNECT PRIMARY 4 Term 2 - رابع ابتدائي

Read the story. Why is Rania unhappy? How two neighbors helped each other
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(1) 2 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

Read the story. Why is Rania unhappy? How two neighbors helped each other

شرح Read the story. Why is Rania unhappy? How two neighbors helped each other

Read the text again and answer the questions Where do Hadeer and Rania meet?

شرح Read the text again and answer the questions Where do Hadeer and Rania meet?

Tip! You can add -un at the beginning of a word to get the opposite meaning

شرح Tip! You can add -un at the beginning of a word to get the opposite meaning

Do you like the story? Explain your answer.

Can you give Rania some more advice?

شرح Can you give Rania some more advice?

What do you think? Discuss with a partner How do you think Rania felt at the end of the story? Why

شرح What do you think? Discuss with a partner How do you think Rania felt at the end of the story? Why
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