REVISION R - New Hello 1 - ثاني ثانوي


Before you start

Read the text and choose the best title

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Complete these sentences with the words from the box

New technology often changes the way we do things


Before you start

Listen to Yasser’s story. What is he unhappy about

Look at the actions below. Listen again and put the actions, A–F, in the correct order, 1–6

Choose the correct modal verbs

Complete the sentences

Work in pairs. Match the situations to the opinions and complete them


Before you start

Read the article. What is a digital footprint

Read the article again and answer the questions

Discuss these questions in pairs

Use the internet to search for information about a person you admire. Create a fact file about their life and what they do. How many new things can you find

Digital footprints


Before you start

Read the fact file about Roger Federer and put the information A–F into the correct place

Use the information in the fact file to complete the paragraph on Roger Federer’s biography

You are going to write about a role model. Discuss who you are going to write about and why you have chosen them. Do you think that your partner has made a good choice? Why/Why not

Research a famous person who is a role model and write a short biography of them in about 180 words

Roger Federer


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

Match the people (a–h) with the sentences (1–8).


Answer the questions

Read the quotations and answer the questions

Imagine that you are Edgar. Write a diary entry about the night of the storm. Include what happened, how you felt about it and what might happen next.