People - Welcom to English - ثالث ثانوي
Unit 1: People
Unit 2: Time
Unit 3: Actions
Unit 4: People
Unit 5: Place
Unit 6: Things
Unit 7: Quantity
Unit 8: Actions
Unit 9: Place
Unit 10: Quantity
Unit 11: How high is the highest mountain
Unit 12: We should. We can. We must
Unit 13: Past, present and future
Unit 14: Made in Egypt
Unit 15: Then and now
Unit 16: Signs and messages
Unit 17: That's what he said
Unit 18: Strange people and things
Unit 19: Journeys
Unit 20: Some people, things and actions

read and find the people point and like this

look what are their names what are their jobs
talk like this about the other shops and shopkeepers

read and speak talk about your own names
read and complete

look hassan in the sea then complete the sentences
what can they do talk like this

complete the sentences with these words
read and complete
which of these is about the wind

what are they saying listen and match

look read and answer

read and find the places on the map
ask and answer these questions about each one