my shopping list - CONNECT PRIMARY 5 Term 1 - خامس ابتدائي

Look again at the foods in Exercise 8 Are they healthy or unhealthy Think and compare with a partner
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lesson2: my shopping list

Compare your list with a partner. What is the same? What is different

Think about some of the food your family buys every week. Make a list

Listen and write the names Amal

Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box chocolate

شرح Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box chocolate
lesson2: my shopping list

Look and read Hello, what would you like

شرح Look and read Hello, what would you like
lesson2: my shopping list

Look and circle the correct words are there any tomato

شرح Look and circle the correct words are there any tomato

Work with a partner Write and say Student A you are a market seller Write down all the fruit and vegetables that you sell

lesson2: my shopping list

Listen and check (✓) the things Jana and her mom have

شرح Listen and check (✓) the things Jana and her mom have

Read the food diaries Order them from 1 healthiest to 3 unhealthiest

شرح Read the food diaries Order them from 1 healthiest to 3 unhealthiest

Work with a partner. Is your diet healthy or unhealthy Discuss Think about these questions Why is it important to eat healthy food

Look again at the foods in Exercise 8 Are they healthy or unhealthy Think and compare with a partner

شرح Look again at the foods in Exercise 8 Are they healthy or unhealthy Think and compare with a partner
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