revision units - New Hello 2 - ثالث اعدادي

Read the text again and answer the questions.
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review d: revision units 10-12

Listen to a conversation. Are these sentences true (T)or folse (F1P Correct the false sentences.

Read the article. Choose the correct words

شرح Read the article.  Choose the correct words

Complete the table with these words. Can you add any words?

شرح Complete the table with these words. Can you add any words?
review d: revision units 10-12

Write a paragraph of about 110 words on how you think we will or won't be able to use technology in the future. Think about the following questions.

listen and complete the raported sentences.

Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets

شرح Complete  the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets

Read the text again and answer the questions.

شرح Read the text again and answer the questions.
لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

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