Listen to the sound and check true
(4) 5 التقييم 21 التعليقات المشاركة

CD1 53 Phonics Listen, point, and say. b CDL 34 CDL 35 CDL 36 bear pear van sh ch th)) fan☐ th chips this three ships 2 Listen and number. 3 Listen, point, and say. a_e i_e tap tape pin pine top 0 rope cub cube ☐ Listen and number. 5 Listen and check LONG or SHORT. ship LONG-- SHORT CDL 37 دارة التعليم B24 WC_01_TERM³ COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 24 sheep sea sit speak week 20/3/23 6:31 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Listen, point and say

شرح Listen, point and say حل Listen, point and say

Listen, point, and say

شرح Listen, point, and say حل Listen, point, and say

Listen and check LONG or SHORT

شرح Listen and check LONG or SHORT حل Listen and check LONG or SHORT

Fun Time! 6 Listen to the sound and check ✓. 1. b P CDL 38 2. b 3. V f 5. sh 6. sh ch th 4. f ☐ 8. th th ☐ 7 Listen and circle the word. Then match. 1. tap cap tape CD1 39 2. van vase save 3. rice ring nice ارة التعليم 4. pin pine nine 5. cube tub tube 6. cut cute cat 7. rope rice rose I Can ... recognize and say b/p, f/v, sh, ch, th, and a/a_e, i/i_e, o/o_e, u/u_e. GOAL E recognize and match sounds to letters. GOAL O WC_01_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 25 25 Unit 3 20/3/23 6:31 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Listen to the sound and check true

شرح Listen to the sound and check true حل Listen to the sound and check true

Listen and circle the word. Then match

شرح Listen and circle the word. Then match حل Listen and circle the word. Then match

I Can recognize and say b /p , f/v , sh , th , and a/a_e , i/i_e , o/o_e , u/u_e

هيثم الحارثي
منذ 10 أشهر
هيثم الحارثي
منذ 10 أشهر
هيثم الحارثي
منذ 10 أشهر
اسلم عليكم جميعا انا بعد عندي مشكله

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق