Listen and make the sounds
(231) 4.5 التقييم 96 التعليقات المشاركة

CD≤ 06 CDL 07 C100 Words Listen and point. 1. duck 2. cat 3. bird 4. fish 5. mouse 6. cow 7. horse 2 Listen, point, and say. 8. sheep 9. chicken Listen and make the sounds. Moo, moo Tweet, tweet 1. 2. Baaa, baaa Neigh, neigh 3. 4. وزارة التعليم E WC 01 TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 6 Cluck, cluck 2013/23 6:31 PM

Words & Fun Time

Listen and point

شرح Listen and point حل Listen and point

Listen and make the sounds

شرح Listen and make the sounds حل Listen and make the sounds

** *Fun Time! Old MacDonald Chant and make the sounds. Old Mac Donald had a farm Ee-ii-ee-ii-oh And on that farm he had some cows Ee-ii-ee-ii-oh With a MOO MOO here And a MOO MOO there Here a MOO There a MOO Ee-li-ee-li-oh Moo Moo Moo Moo Everywhere a MOO MOO Old Mac Donald had a farm Ee-ii-ee-ii-oh I Can ... ⚫ say the names of three animals. ارة التعليم 577 . make the sounds of three animals. PEAL 12 Now go to page 27 WC_01_TERM³ COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 7 -Advice Time Treat animals kindly. 7 Unit 1 20/3/23 6:31 PM

Words & Fun Time

Old MacDonald Chant and make the sounds

شرح Old MacDonald Chant and make the sounds

Advice Time Treat animals kindly

I Can say the names of three animals

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