Guessing Game. How many animals Listen and match
(231) 4.5 التقييم 100 التعليقات المشاركة

CD1 04 Rhythms and Sounds Listen and chant. PACO There was a farmer who had a horse, And PACO was his name-oh! P-A-C-O, P-A-C-O, P-A-C-O, And PACO was his name-oh! Listen again and stamp the rhythm. Write PACO. وزارة التعليم WC_01_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 4 20/3/23 6:31 PM

Rhythms and Sounds & Fun Time

Listen and chant PACO

شرح Listen and chant PACO حل Listen and chant PACO

Listen again and stamp the rhythm

شرح Listen again and stamp the rhythm حل Listen again and stamp the rhythm

chi as Fun Time! Guessing Game. How many animals? Listen and match. 14444 مارة التعليم 177 11 18 ค 烏日 I Can ... " chant the PACO chant by myself using good rhythm. BIDAL count from 11 to 20 and back. Now go to page 26 WC_01_TERM³ COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 5 anin 5 Unit 1 2013/23 6:31 PM

Rhythms and Sounds & Fun Time

Guessing Game. How many animals Listen and match

شرح Guessing Game. How many animals Listen and match حل Guessing Game. How many animals Listen and match

I Can chant the PACO chant by myself using good rhythm

فدوى جهلان
منذ أسبوع
ام علي البشري
منذ سنة
مرااا شكراااا جدا واضح
منذ سنة
ع هل له يحيها يحيكم فهميني ت4چ75
منذ سنة

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق