.Unscramble the words Write. Draw lines and match.
(84) 4.4 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

وزارة التعليم Goal 61 CD3 My House: Words in Action I can say the names of three pieces of furniture. I listened to CD3 06 Nome days this week. Class Listen and practice. 1. 4. 2. 3. 5. 6. ㅠ Unscramble the words. Write. Draw lines and match. 1. raich 2. bupcdaor 3. diregf 4. e alb t Hint Words fridge chair cupboard table WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 43 43 a b. C. d. 20/3/23 4:38 PM


Listen and practice

شرح Listen and practice

.Unscramble the words Write. Draw lines and match.

شرح .Unscramble the words Write. Draw lines and match. حل .Unscramble the words Write. Draw lines and match.

Goal 62 My House: Words in Action I can play the Two Hands Game. I listened to CD3 07 days this week. Name 1 Listen and play. Class on in under next to Listen and practice. Trace. behind 1. on 2. 3 under 4. behind 5. next to جرارة التعليم 44 WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 44 20/3/23 4:38 PM


Listen and play

شرح Listen and play

Listen and practice

شرح Listen and practice حل Listen and practice
لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق